Держприкордонслужба разом з ДБР продовжує виявляти майно країни-агресора. Білоруське судно «Надежда» та суховантажну баржу, які були залучені у логістичних операціях ворога на Дунаї, виявили в акваторії Ізмаїльського порту.

Разом переможемо! Слава України!

The State Border Guard Service together with the State Bureau of Investigation continues to detect the property of the aggressor country.
Recently, thanks to the joint and fruitful work of the Marine Guard, the Izmail Border Detachment and units of the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI), the Belarusian ship “Nadezhda” and a dry cargo barge were detected in the waters of the Izmail port in Odessa region. These vessels were involved in enemy logistics operations on the Danube.
Furthermore, during the vessels inspection in the water area of Chernomorsk, the employees of the Maritime regional directorate, Odessa Border Detachment and the SBI detected the vessel of russian federation. During the war the owners tried to hide the Volgoneft-268 oil tanker at the Illichivsk Shipyard by changing the ship’s flag to Zambia.
Traditionally, in order to minimize mandatory payments to the state budget of Ukraine, the cost of ships was significantly underestimated, but it did not help the occupiers.
The vessels were seized and transferred to the Seaports Administration of Ukraine. The issue of their nationalization will be considered by the competent authorities. As a result, russian ships will work in the interests of our state for the development and economic development of Ukraine.
Together to Victory! Glory to Ukraine!