У пункті пропуску «Мостиська залізнична» прикордонники відділу «Шегині» Львівського загону оформили потяг «Львів-Перемишль, яким виїзджали з країни 768 іноземців.

At the Mostyska Zaliznychna checkpoint, border guards from the Shehyni department of the Lviv detachment carried out a border check of the Lviv-Przemysl train. 768 foreigners left Ukraine by this train.
Citizens of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Egypt, Ecuador, Zimbabwe, Jordan, Lebanon, Mongolia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palestine, Russia, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Singapore, Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, France, India and Italy – all students of Kharkiv universities are currently being evacuated to EU countries.
During the passport control, the foreigners thanked the border guards, wished them a speedy victory over the enemy, and said that they would definitely return to their favorite Kharkiv universities when the war ended.